另外扶輪社的聯絡窗口 Ian 今天早上也打電話跟我道歉

Dear Kathryn

What a pity my arrangements last night came unstuck.  I am VERY sorry you
were left waiting for an hour. I spoke to Gerald Brooke last night and he is
equally aplogetic for what was a silly misunderstanding. My instructions to
him were perfectly clear and were not conditional on any further messages.
However he thought he was going to get a telephone call confirming that you
were coming. Because he heard nothing he took another route more suitable to
picking up his other passengers. My private view is that this was rather
stupid! He should at least have passed by Stockton Road to check that you
were not there. I casnnot see any reason why he thought he was to get a
phone call from you.

We certainly had a very good evening. The talk was excellent, the powerpoint
worked, there was a good atmosphere, and thanks to Ian, Rotary had some good
publicity. I think about 140-150 came, and I had many appreciative comments.
Lets hope all our future arrangements work without a hitch, and apologies
again for letting you down yesterday.


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